Upcoming Events
Click on the link to watch the recording of Demystifying the Governor’s Council, held on August 13th with Jean Trounstine, David Harris and Nancy Bettinger and sponsored by the League of Women Voters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StO2ri1XcWU
Tues, August 13, 7:00pm (zoom)

August 21
League of Women Voters (of several communities) Governor’s Council Primary Candidate Forum for District 3: Marilyn Petitto Devaney of Watertown and Mara Dolan of Concord.

View here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsVQ68BFzsI
August 5
League of Women Voters of Needham Governor’s Council Primary Candidate Forum for District 2: Tamisha Civil of Stoughton, Muriel Kramer of Hopkinton, and Dave Reservitz of Needham.

View here: https://lwv-needham.org/governors-council-candidate-forum/
July 30, 7:00 pm (Zoom)

Who Governs the Governor’s Council, Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Massachusetts (LWVMA)
- Rahsaan Hall, Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts, Moderator
- Jeane Trounstine, Co-Chair WGGC
- David Harris, Co-Chair WGGC
- Nancy Bettinger, LWVMA
Register here.
June 17, 6:30 pm, Goodwin Forum at Concord Public Library
Candidate Forum
- Marilyn Petitto Devaney: https://marilyndevaney.com/
- Mara Dolan: https://maradolan.com/
June 12, 6:30 pm, Adams Street Branch, Boston Public Library
Demystifying the Governor’s Council, Sponsored by Who Governs the Governor’s Council (WGGC)
- Jamarhl Crawford, Moderator
- David Harris, Co-Chair WGGC
- Jean Trounstine, Co-Chair WGGC
Video here. Use this passcode: 8t^^m.vc
June 4, 6:30 pm (Zoom)
Candidate Forum: Governor’s Council, both Districts 3 and 4, and Court Clerks
- MA Governor’s Council D3: Marilyn Petitto Devaney, Mara Dolan
- MA Governor’s Council D4: Stacey Borden, Ronald Iacobucci, Christopher Iannella
- Suffolk Superior Court Clerk (Civil): John Powers
- Suffolk Supreme Judicial Court Clerk: Allison Cartwright, Erin Murphy
Register here: GovCouncil_CourtClerk.eventbrite.com
May 17, 10-11:00 am (Zoom)
“Demystifying the Governor’s Council: Judgeships, Court Clerkships, Pardons and Paroles”
Progressive Democrats of Massachusetts Public Policy forum. Participants:
- Michael Albano, former Mayor of Springfield and Governor’s Councilor
- Jean Trounstine, Co-Chair, Who Governs the Governor’s Council
- John Griffin, Managing Partner for strategy at Partners in Democracy
- Harry Margolis, Moderator
The recording is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk-riOHhXZE
May 7 at 7:00 pm
Candidate Debate: Marilyn Devaney and Mara Dolan
Co-hosted by Burlington, Woburn, Bedford and Billerica Democratic Committees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaYiczF-44Q
April 4, 2024
Incorruptible Mass:
The Governor’s Council — The Appendix of Massachusetts
Jean Trounstine and Harry Margolis join Jonathan Cohn and Anna Callahan Massachusetts politics podcast to discuss the Governor’s Council.